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Andalusia the Southern Passion!

In the spring, Andalusia becomes the Southern Passion. Andalusia: tradition, incense, orange blossom… heartfelt emotions.

le Vendredi 11 Avril 2014

Andalusia the Southern Passion!
Coming to Andalusia in Easter week, the best thing is to relax and let your senses seduce you: breathe in the subtle aroma that impregnates the city, a mixture of incense and orange blossom; feel the emotion of a heartfelt saeta (religious flamenco song) and listen to the silence of a devout crowd… Every year, with the arrival of spring and its return to life, Andalusia gets ready to convert its streets and squares, its aromas and lights, into the stage for a representation which is, year in, year out, always the same, yet always different. Andalusia prepares for Palm Sunday once more, it trembles in the silence of Good Friday and comes to life the following Sunday, covering the distance between death and new life, this life that rises up, unstoppable, at the fiesta.

Over these seven days, Andalusia is transformed, and the local people head out onto the street in their Sunday best to celebrate the Passion, amidst the traditional religious fervour. You will discover statues of great artistic worth, paraded through the streets with the warm light of candles, the colour of the Nazarenos' tunics and the music of bands with drums and trumpets.
All this combined with the mixture of aromas – incense and orange blossom – brings out the magic and awakens a feeling of privilege in all those present.

Feel the emotion of the traditional, crowded “madrugá” celebrations in Sevilla; live the passion with the “Señor” procession in Málaga, El Cautivo; follow in the footsteps of the Cristo de los Gitanos (Gipsy Christ) in the hills of the Sacromonte neighbourhood in Granada; witness the solemnity of Good Friday with the “Santo Encierro” in Huelva; see the “El Abuelo” procession head out in the early hours of Good Friday from the Cathedral in Jaén; feel the passion and commitment of the Easter brotherhoods inCádiz; explore the streets of Córdoba amidst silence, the sound of a saeta (religious flamenco song), the sound of the bells of the capataz (procession leader)... and bear witness to the coming together of the brotherhoods in Almería.

Are you going to miss all this?

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