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AF 447 - Air France files for annulment of the second legal expert's report requested by Airbus

International Edition (Europe)

Air France has taken note of the second legal expert's report requested by Airbus, concerning the AF 447 accident. Air France considers that this second expert's report was carried out in a unilateral way and without the possibility of discussion, in violation of the very principle of a fair trial, as the Company was not invited to participate in the expert's work.

Rédigé par le Mercredi 14 Mai 2014

Therefore, the elements of this report are a partial and truncated presentation of the causes of the accident, which undermines Air France's fundamental rights of defence.

The report omits several elements, in particular those concerning the operation of the aircraft which were included in the BEA's final report and the first legal expert's report.

Moreover, some of the elements omitted have since been the object of corrective action on the part of the industry.

Therefore, Air France will file for annulment of the second legal expert's report in the coming days with the Investigation Chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal.

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