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AIRclandestino: the “shared taxi” for passengers on the same flight

The e-tourism start-up of the week

The “Start-up of the week”, a section launched by and i-Tourisme, sheds light, every Friday, on young innovative companies that offer a new concept and/or a new approach to a tourism or leisure topic. Today we’ll introduce AIRclandestino, a start-up that enables passengers taking the same flight to share a taxi, upon their arrival at the airport. Big savings in a friendly atmosphere!

Rédigé par Mathilde Khlat translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 10 Février 2015

The initial concept?

With AIRclandestino, no need to have a smartphone linked to Internet, or to make an appointment or wait for a chauffeur. You also have the freedom of choosing between VTC or taxi. DR Screen Shot
With AIRclandestino, no need to have a smartphone linked to Internet, or to make an appointment or wait for a chauffeur. You also have the freedom of choosing between VTC or taxi. DR Screen Shot, offers passengers from a same flight to share a taxi upon their arrival at the airport.

Our concept enables to divide the price of the drive, without compromising comfort, while adding a “great dose” of friendliness.

We also give passengers a free space of communication on which they can exchange freely with their co-passengers before the flight.

They can, for example, share great deals on their destinations, exchange magazines during the flight, etc… can be use at no charge and freely, no matter the destination and the used airline.

What “more” for tourism?

Leaving from an airport often costs a lot or can be uncomfortable.

We provide a revolutionary solution, comfortable, friendly, and economical.

Who’s the target audience?

We target, primarily, expats who regularly travel.

People traveling solo, students, or independent workers.

What your differentiating factor?

A communal website between passengers on a same plane.

In the sector of taxi pooling, “Uberpool”, the Uber service of sharing a ride, is an important player.

Yet our offer is different, because it is particularly adapted to going to the city from the airport.

With AIRclandestino, no need to have a smartphone linked to Internet, or to make an appointment or wait for a chauffeur.

You also have the freedom to choose between VTC or taxi.

You’ll share a taxi/VTC with a person you traveled with, and who, just like you, uses AIRclandestino. This is significant, you’ll probably have things to share during the taxi ride…

AIRclandestino is much more than just a taxi sharing tool; it’s a true free and independent community that allows exchange and sharing between passengers.

What’s the potential market?

The potential market huge, as well at the the level of the type of clients, and geographically.

What’s your business model?

We’re thinking of progressing thanks to a collaborative development, associated to AIRclandestino entrepreneurs who will develop destinations on which they’ll have exclusivity.

Thus, they’ll have the possibility of acquiring advertising income on the pages dedicated to the flights on which they’ll be responsible.

We’ll keep the exclusivity on the advertising sale of the homepage as well as partnerships.

We’re also expecting to provide additional services, of which some will be at a charge.

Are you part of an incubator?

We benefit from zero institutional accompaniment, but we have advisors.

Where is the launch of your start-up at?

AIRclandestino was born on december 2014.

Enough time to know our limits, and to enjoy our first successes in terms of visits and publications on our website.

We’re currently working on making the website clearer, we’re also developing our mobile application and versions in French, Spanish, and Italian.

We’re going to focus our efforts on specific destinations, especially with the Paris-Barcelona line, that is one of our priorities.

Are you currently looking for financial investments?

Investments would be desirable in order for us to surround ourselves with more competent people and to accelerate our development.

However, for now, we chose to concentrate our efforts of developing the product, rather than looking for investors.

Any news to announce?

We’re getting ready to launch an application.

And the team?

Raphaël Ekman - CEO AIRClandestino
Raphaël Ekman - CEO AIRClandestino
Raphaël Ekman - CEO of AIRClandestino

Self-taught, Raphaël traveled the world very young. He has an entrepreneurial spirit and accumulates various internships and experiences and diverse and different worlds: real estate promotion, interior design, sale, photography, communications…

In 2005, Raphaël joins the family company amongst his activity on renovation and real estate management.

In 2012, during a trip to New York, he meets his partner. She lives in Barcelona, him in Paris. Roundtrips keep multiplying for Raphaël during this time…

And it’s the lightbulb! During transits to airports, the regular usage of taxis and their high prices inspire him for the founding idea of AIRclandestino: create an encounter that enables to share the price of the taxi.

Raphaël meets Russell Nathan Hyer in England. They decide to work together in 2014. The adventure begins!

30 years old, Raphaël dedicates himself to AIRclandestino and pursues, simultaneously, his career in real estate in Paris and Barcelona.

Russell Nathan Hyer -

Russell Nathan Hyer, CTO and cofounder of AIRclandestino, studied at the University of Kent, Canterbury, where he received a law degree in English and German in 2005.

A fan of computer science since he was a child, he has worked for many IT companies, including Microsoft, and HP.

Speaking fluent English and Germany, he also works as an independent translator. He has recently put his applied mathematics diploma “on hold”, for his commitment to AIRclandestino.

Extra Info

i-tourisme: What made you want to start this company?

Raphaël Ekman : “We strongly believe in the concept of AIRclandestino. We believe having a real chance at success.

This is why we made the bet to invest in this adventure.”

i-tourisme: What qualities should an entrepreneur have?

R.E.: “That depends on the company, but I believe that in general: desire, creativity, work, capacity to assemble, listening skills, and also the ability to count are necessary qualities.”

i-tourisme: What are your ambitions?

R.E.: “First, we wish to popularize our taxi sharing solution

Then, we would like to become a community of free and independent reference for air travel passengers.”

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