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Liberty Bag moves the check-in of luggage directly to your clients’ house!

Handling of luggage directly to your home or airport

Liberty Bag, a branch of Skyroad that specializes in the management of lost bags, offers to move the luggage of air travel passengers directly from their home or airport. In order to develop itself, the company hopes to create partnerships with air transport companies and expand its network in the province.

Rédigé par Céline Eymery translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 21 Avril 2015

Liberty Bag: the check-in is done entirely at the client’s home. No more long lines at the check-in counters in airports. Screen Shot
Liberty Bag: the check-in is done entirely at the client’s home. No more long lines at the check-in counters in airports. Screen Shot
Launched in 2006 by Skyroad, a company specialized in managing lost luggage, LibertyBag handles the luggage of air travel passengers directly from their home or the airport.

4 options are offered: home/airport (moving the luggage the night before departure), home/home (only for departures from Paris to the West Indies), airport/home (delivery minimum 6 hours after plane arrival), and airport/airport (from the airport to a designated place and from a designated place to the airport.)

The check-in is done entirely at the client’s home. No more long lines at the check-in counters in airports.

“Compared to other competitors who offer this type of service, we are the only ones to have all of the right licences, and to offer a service that transports the luggage from the beginning to end.

Clients check-in online, and on our part, we provide the baggage tag for the company’s account, and provide the coupons to passengers,”
specifies Ludwig Lefebvre, Marketing Director of Liberty Bag.

Liberty Bag has various licences and approvals (transportation, airport assistants, DGAC, and customs.)

The travelers all have to be there once the luggage is being taken, and will have to redeem themselves in the event of having to pay extra fees.

“We have one small disadvantage when it comes to surcharges, because we cannot make the client pay directly.

They must absolutely have a coupon indicating the purchase of an additional luggage, if not we cannot handle that extra luggage,”
explains the Marketing Director.

Form partnerships with companies and tourism professionals

Since 6 months, this service is delivered as an additional option by Air France as a white-label product, via its Luggages to your Home service, but also at Corsair.

“The goal is to, on one hand, acquire new partners with airline companies, and on the other hand, to expand our network,” adds Ludwig Lefebvre who would like to see Gulf companies offer this service to all of their high-end clients.

Located in Roissy, Orly, Point-à-Pitre and Fort-de-France, the company hopes to expand its services to the province: in Marseille, Nice, and Lyon, by the end of May.

Finally, the Marketing Director hopes to get closer to the tourism sector: tour-operators or networks of travel agencies. “Companies like Club Med could completely develop this kind of service,” adds Ludwig Lefebvre.

As for rates, the price of this service starts at €80 taxes included in Ile-de-France, Martinique, and Guadeloupe, for up to 4 baggages, everyday of the week (€15 per additional luggage for a maximum of 10 bagages.)

In the province, up to 2 baggages, the rates start at €120 taxes included (€45 per additional luggage for a maximum of 10 bagages.)

Ludwig Lefebvre insists that this product isn’t only for the high-end clientele: “That is probably the first impression one may have of this product, yet we also target it at people with disabilities, and families.

In fact, 3/4 of our clients travel in Economy Class.”

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