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Nine Lafayette Voyages Agencies about to close for good?

22 jobs on the line

Last March 31st, the news hit hard for the employees of the group Galeries Layette. The establishment of a restructuring plan in France should lead to, in the upcoming months, the closing of various department stores and especially the termination of 500 jobs. Including around twenty amongst the group’s travel agents.

Rédigé par A.B. translated by Joséphine Foucher le Samedi 30 Mai 2015

Nine Lafayette Voyages Agencies about to close for good?
The group Galeries Lafayette would be on the verge of closing nine Lafayette Voyages agencies out of the 24 established in France.

This is at least what the CGT union of Galeries Lafayette Haussmann claims on its website.

An employment protection plan, including the departure of 22 counter agents, would be underway, according to a source of the union.

And the agencies in question should close anytime between now and the end of September 2015, believes that same source.

Contacted by, the management of the group declined to comment.

500 jobs on the line

In total, a restructuring plan should lead to the loss of more than 500 jobs - except for the Demonstration and Exterior Companies sector - according to the CGT.

The plan would include measures for the Haussmann store in Paris, and other Galeries Lafayette stores in France, but also in the logistics department.

The “flagship” store on the Haussmann boulevard would be affected by a voluntary redundancy plan of 87 employees in the main office, and the closing of 3 accounting centers, meaning 19 jobs.

As for the games sector, it will be managed solely by an exterior partner, meaning the termination of 22 jobs (purchasing and after-sales departments.)

For the department stores Galeries Lafayette, the plan includes the closing of the stores of Belle Épine, and Béziers, meaning the removal of 162 jobs.

The Lille store will either be reorganized, or closed (134 jobs.)

Finally, in terms of logistics, the Bonneuil warehouse is expected to close (90 jobs.)

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