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Sophia Antipolis: Amadeus is expecting to hire at least 200 people in 2015

In 2014, the company recruited 350 people

To sustain its growth, Amadeus is expected to recruit, next year, at least 200 people on its site in Sophia Antipolis, specialized in research and development. Positions for young graduates or experimented employees who are passionate about new technologies and, of course, tourism.

Rédigé par Laury-Anne CHOLEZ translated by Joséphine Foucher le Jeudi 16 Octobre 2014

Sophia Antipolis: Amadeus is expecting to hire at least 200 people in 2015
Sophia Antipolis: Amadeus is expecting to hire at least 200 people in 2015
The dream jobs aren’t only in Paris.

At Amadeus there are many career opportunities for those who apply to the Sophia Antipolis center that is specialized in research and development.

Undergoing significant growth, the company will recruit at least 200 new employees next year.

“I prefer to give careful estimates, but I often exceed my projected numbers” explains Magali Viano, Human Resources Director of the site.

This year for instance, she will finish with 350 new employees out of the 3,400 at Sophia Antipolis.

Magali Viano is primarily looking for engineers who are passionate about traveling and new technologies. Obviously anglophone, their resume must reflect the excellence of their academic background.

Goal: hiring one out of two interns

Young graduates mostly come from engineering schools, sometimes business schools.

The company has in fact built partnerships with some universities in France (Centrale Paris, Supélec, Eurecom, Edhec, Skema, Université de Nice) and abroad (ETH in Zürich and MIT in Boston).

“We participate in over forty student forums every year to introduce our work. We also try to come with alumni from the school in question who are now working with us” continues Magali Viano.

Amadeus attracts close to 200 interns every year. It recently appeared in the Happy Trainees ranking at number 15, a listing that rewards companies that invest in young professionals.

“Out of the 80 last year student interns in 2014, we kept around 35. I hope to reach, in the long run, the goal of keeping one out of two interns” specifies Magalia Viano.

Great opportunities of future international careers

Magali Viano, HR Director for Amadeus at Sophia Antipolis. DR
Magali Viano, HR Director for Amadeus at Sophia Antipolis. DR
The Human Resources Director is also looking for experienced applicants with concrete field experience.

Some come from Amadeus’ own clients, some are even competitors.

Software developers, functional analysts, product managers, accounts managers, technical writers, there are many career opportunities.

Because as a large company, Amadeus is offering a plurality of jobs and positions. Just within the first semester of 2014, close to 40 people changed division and 72 changed jobs.

“It is common to have seniority status without being in charge of the same job during your entire career” exclaims Magali Viano.

Amadeus accompanies these evolutions through a generous training program: 75% of the employees follow at least 4 days of training annually.

“This is capital to keep our employees competent and able to perfectly respond to our clients’ needs.

Those wishing to expatriate will also be happy to know that they’ll have a wide range of international branches to choose from.

Last year, approximately 150 people left on specific missions or in definitive expatriation to the United States, Japan, Indian or Korean. “This is a generational effect, young professionals are now more mobile and take advantage of that to change sector” specifies Magali Viano.

To apply, visit the recruitment page on the Amadeus website.

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