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South Africa: +10.7% annual hotel revenue growth by 2018.

Report of the Hospitality Outlook from PwC

PwC publishes a report in which it forecasts the growth of DMC tourism in South Africa by 2018. It estimates that hotel revenues will increase, on average, at a 10.7% annual rate compared to 2013.

Rédigé par Editorial Board translated by Joséphine Foucher le Samedi 28 Juin 2014

In South Africa, despite the current economic difficulties in the country, hospitality tourism should keep developing during the next 5 years, thanks especially, to the many tourists coming from all over Africa.

This is the main news provided by this report published on June 29th, 2014 by PwC: Hospitality Outlook.

The consulting firm estimates that the fill rate of accommodation in the country, in all sectors, should reach 58.4% by 2018. For the hotel sector, it could even go over 71%.

The revenues on rooms should increase to 28.7 billions of rands (2 million euros.) Which would represent a median annual growth of 10.7% compared to 2013.

According to the projections provided in the report, the total number of visitors in South Africa could reach 17.6 million by 2018. On that year, there should be an availability of almost 63,600 hotel rooms compared to 60,900 today.

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