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Football: The Champions League generates €237 million of touristic revenues

According to a study published by Onefootball and GoEuro

The touristic revenues incurred by the football competition of the Champions League would flirt around €240 million for all of the cities that host matches, according to a recent study. The amounts reached vary depending on the teams that play each other and on the type of game.

Rédigé par The Editors translated by Joséphine Foucher le Dimanche 10 Mai 2015

The UEFA Champions League generates, every season, 237 million euros in touristic revenues, according to a study published by the football information application Onefootball, and the online travel search engine GoEuro, on May 5th, 2015.

The results show “a peak in the revenue of the hotel industry” in the cities hosting a participating team, “comparable to those observed during congresses or trade-fairs,” specifies a statement.

The studies don’t include the ticket prices in the calculations, and base themselves on the price of transports and accommodations.

They also take into account the average touristic spending (cost of local public transportation, expenditures, and meals provided by the Institute of Tourism Studies Egatur), as well as the indicators of the beer prices and accommodations collected by GoEuro.

The touristic revenues also vary depending on the turnout of the games. For example, the study reveals that “Barcelona, Munich, and Torino could all make around €5,637,000 thanks to their teams making it to the semi-finals. Madrid, that has reached the same state in the competition could have received a similar revenue.”

However, a game where two teams from the home city confront each other leads to the loss in revenues that would have been sparked by the visit of supporters.
Football: The Champions League generates €237 million of touristic revenues

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