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White-label product : offers its browser of "dry seats" sales to travel agents

Pierre Doucet, manager of Terre d’Ailleurs chose the browser

Other than its BtoC website, is developing partnerships with other OTAs (Promovacances, NG Travel…) and offers them its browser of dry seats through a white-label product. A solution that Fabrice Dariot, the head of Bourse des vols, also offers to traditional distributors. Terre d’Ailleurs, the agency of Pierre Doucet (CEDIV) launched this week its new website with this flight browser. A deal that enables him to offer Internet rates, all with the perks of a next-door agency.

Rédigé par Céline Eymery translated by Joséphine Foucher le Mardi 9 Juin 2015

THE new website of Terre d’Ailleurs has the browser of as a white-label product. DR Screenshot.
THE new website of Terre d’Ailleurs has the browser of as a white-label product. DR Screenshot.
High client acquisition rates, very agressive market, the business of OTAs is not all that easy.

It is within this competitive environment that Fabrice Dariot, the head of, decided to explore a new way by offering its browser of dry seat sales through a white-label product to other online agencies who are not specialized in that.

“Today, we recruit Internet users with the price of our margins, we are confronted to the European giants: Ebookers, Odigeo. This is why we developed partnerships on the white-label product,” highlights Fabrice Dariot.

Promovacances, le Monde du Voyage, or more recently NG Travel are some of those partners. “For these operators, the advantage is that we are 100% made in France, and easily accessible,” he specifies further.

But OTAs are not the only targets. Another goal: reaching traditional travel agencies.

“Everything started from a tired conversation at the end of a congress with Pierre Doucet, the head of Terre d’Ailleurs (CEDIV). He explained to me that his clients wanted access to the rates found online. And I simply replied that I could provide him with that service,” explains Fabrice Dariot.

Terre d’Ailleurs can use the browser

Therefore, on the brand-new website of Terre d’Ailleurs (two offices, in Bourges and Châteauroux) in responsive design, launched on Tuesday 2nd, 2015, can be found the flight browser of BDV in white-label.

“This BtoBtoC solution, I see it like a new retail outlet, with an important advantage for the client: in the event of a problem, he can contact us very easily.

He has access to a phone number starting with “02” and not an overcharged “08”, specifies Pierre Doucet, manager of Terre d’Ailleurs who has already amassed sales.

“The clientele of this browser is local, it is the next-door clientele, we’re positioning ourselves in a multi-channel strategy,” he adds.

In terms of pay, a “mark-up” system enables the travel agency to apply it margin. And the experimentation for is continuing with the establishment of its solution since a few days on the website of Tangka Voyages. 3 other candidates are already showing interest.

“The set-up is done in a few hours and is free,” specifies Fabrice Dariot who, in this way, touches a new audience.

Bourse des Vols remains, obviously, open to all interested agencies!

The new website of Terre d’Ailleurs

Pierre Doucet launched his new website last June 2nd:

This platform in responsive design adapts to all types of devices: mobile, tablet, or PC. A video template invites travelers to explore right from the homepage through various tabs: Foreign destinations, Destination France, Themes, and News.

3 main entrees also offer Internet users: to schedule an appointment, access the dry seats sale browser (white-label or to access a page with practical information.

Pierre Doucet hopes to refine this new online window that he perceives as a new retail outlet. “I’m missing a browser for package deals, I’m working on that. The goal is to have a comprehensive website, creating a great machine, to establish a web brand. There is still a lot of work to do.”

Once this mission will be accomplished, he does not exclude the option of opening a new physical retail outlet. “Today, opening a new agency just to open one is of no interest. We need a well done website and position ourselves in a multi-channel strategy, to offer an umbrella of services to neighboring clients.”

For Pierre Doucet, the profession has no choice, he has to “get moving” and not ignore the players of the collaborative economy. “I’m also working on creating partnerships with these players,” he specifies. Before adding “we are a profession condemned to working together because we’re all in the same business!”

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