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Americana French Gateway : Explore Minnesota Tourism has Representation in France

Following a competitive bid process, Americana French Gateway was selected to market Explore Minnesota Tourism (EMT) in France. Company owner Jean-Marie Douau will represent EMT to tour operators, travel agents, media representatives and travel trade professionals through a two-year contract with the state tourism office, effective March 2014.

Rédigé par le Lundi 24 Mars 2014

Currently France sends approximately 1.2 million visitors to the U.S. each year, and through in-country representation,

Explore Minnesota Tourism hopes to capture a growing share of this market.

According to a recent survey by Brand USA, the national tourism promotion agency for the U.S., French travelers seek cultural and heritage experiences in their international travel destinations, and like to experience local lifestyle.

Minnesota has daily nonstop flights between the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris.

Air France offers seasonal nonstop service between the cities from May through September.

For additional information, contact Cheryl Offerman, International Marketing Manager at Explore Minnesota Tourism or Jean-Marie Douau, French Marketing Representative for Minnesota at

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