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Tourist facilities inject €3.5 billion into the local economy

30% of the clientele is foreign

Tourist homes annually inject €3.5 billion into the local economy. A financial windfall for the first time evaluated by their union and that contradicts prejudice saying that this type of clientele spends nothing on site.

Rédigé par Laury-Anne CHOLEZ translated by Joséphine Foucher le Jeudi 5 Juin 2014

Pierre Margeridon, the new president of SNRT estimated that its members injected €3.5 billion into the local economy. Photo DR.
Pierre Margeridon, the new president of SNRT estimated that its members injected €3.5 billion into the local economy. Photo DR.
The National Union of residences (SNRT) decided to combat a cliché.

That of the family that stays in a resort and spends nothing on site.

To do this, he conducted a study in partnership with Atout France, with a sample of 4,097 apartments and 1,500 customers questionnaires.

And the result is instructive: the residences inject €3.5 billion annually into the local economy.

A huge source of income that is divided into two poles.

First, the homes themselves, that spend €1.2 billion for their operating costs. Then travelers, whose total spending amounts to €2.4 billion.

This amount is mainly dedicated to food (44%) and sports or cultural activities (19%).

The rest is divided between care and equipment purchases 13%), local transportation (9%) and expenses inside the facility (6%).

Finally, the average expenditure per person per day is €35.

Growth of foreigners

"We always believed that tourism facilities and homes promoted the local economy. We now have proof with the numbers," says Pierre Margeridon, the new president of the union.

Enough to give him arguments to retort to professionals who regularly ensure that these vacationers arrive safely loaded with food and spend nothing on site.

Of course, 53% always bring some of their provisions (7% of the total). But once the chest is empty, they must refill the fridge.

The study also gives some details about the profile of a typical customer, often families and wealthy (41% of CSP+). It also provides information on customer loyalty, almost 80% had already stayed in this type of facility.

Finally, let us add that foreign travelers now make up 30% of the clientele. They stay longer and have a higher budget than 33% of the French.

This is mainly thanks to them that tourism operators have maintained their turnover of €3.3 billion in 2013.

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