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Départ Demain: Michel-Yves Labbé aims at €1 million in turnover by the end of 2015

an app devoted to very last minute trips

The app, Départ Demain, launched one year ago by Michel-Yves Labbé should reach one million euros in turnover, between now and the end of 2015. For 2016, the company hopes to double this result through the expansion in the amount of products sold.

Rédigé par Céline Eymery translated by Joséphine Foucher le Jeudi 8 Octobre 2015

As of today, the application generates around €15,000 and €20,000 in turnover monthly, and should reach the one million euro mark by the end of the year - Screenshot
As of today, the application generates around €15,000 and €20,000 in turnover monthly, and should reach the one million euro mark by the end of the year - Screenshot
Départ Demain is pursuing its growth.

The smartphone application devoted to ultra last minute sales, launched just one year ago by Michel-Yves Labbé, is showing results bound to make many web-marketers jealous.

In one year, the application is counting no less than 145,000 downloads.

“In the travel sector, I think that we are amongst the most downloaded apps, following those of the SNCF,” explains Michel-Yves Labbé. Close to 70,000 people created an account, and between 15,000 and 20,000 people visit the app on Thursdays, the flash sales day.

Such success was obtained without needing to drop a single dime in promotion.

In June 2015, the participation of Michel-Yves Labbé in the show Capital on the channel M6 was enough to create a buzz. And since then, Départ Demain is recording one hundred downloads daily.

As of today, the application generates between €15,000 and €20,000 in earnings weekly, and should reach the one million euro mark by the end of the year.

Goal 2016: €2 million in turnover

Départ Demain: Michel-Yves Labbé aims at €1 million in turnover by the end of 2015
However, this success was more difficult to manage on a technical standpoint.

“There were errors, we were faced with 5,000 people connected a few minutes before the opening of the Thursday flash sales. On a technological standpoint, we didn’t expect it to be this complicated.

We spent our summer oversizing the channels that reach the servers and application in order to make it more fluid,”
explains Michel-Yves Labbé.

With these problems now resolved, the goal is to seduce new users. In 2016, the founder of Départ Demain hopes to double his turnover.

To do so, he expects to multiply by two the number of products sold. “Until now, I worked with 6 tour-operators, and purposely limited the number of offers in order to sell them all,” he highlights “soon, other tour-operators should be joining us.”

Foreseen recruitment

To aid this development, Départ Demain is going to structure its teams. A second person should be hired to input the inventory of offers into the system.

We have 36 hours to prepare the product display on the app. The TOs give us their offers on Wednesday, and sales begin on Thursday at 5pm,” he adds.

Another person wanted: a web-marketer able to develop the brand’s popularity.

Based mostly on plane trips, the app could open up to other types of products… Like “Snow” offers that may be featured in the catalogue as a mid-term goal…

To be followed…

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