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Michel Madi launches Frenchy Travel, a platform for French DMCs

Launching at the IFTM

Michel Madi, founder of CrystalITO will launch at the IFTM, Frenchy Travel, a national platform for French DMCs. The goal: attract the BRICS, as well as the Americans and Canadians, to sell them the destination of France, and not only Paris.

Rédigé par Céline Eymery translated by Joséphine Foucher le Lundi 1 Septembre 2014

Michel Madi, founder of CrystalTO will officially launch Frenchy Travel at the IFTM Top Resa. - DR
Michel Madi, founder of CrystalTO will officially launch Frenchy Travel at the IFTM Top Resa. - DR
Michel Madi is coming back into the spotlight.

The founder of CrystalITO is launching Frenchy Travel, a national platform of French incoming companies.

“No global offer on France exists yet, we want to fill that spot, and become a leader.

We have the ambition of becoming the entry door for foreign tour operators so that they can attract tourists and have them travel in places other than Paris, in other regions of France”,
explains Michel Madi.

“We have split up France in 13 regions for which we have chosen 3 to 4 DMCs. We will be connected to the ReservIT solution for hotel reservations, and we are also working on our own base”, he adds.

A platform available in 7 languages by December

Frenchy Travel that has just received its registration from Atout France will be officially launched at the IFTM (Stand CF-15 at the new Club France.)

The first version of the website will be bilingual in English and French.

But by December 2014, the platform will be available in 7 languages (Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese.)

“Our website will be a tool for online sales and the purchasing of products will be done in-house”, specifies Michel Madi.

The focused target of this new platform are the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) but also American and Canadian clients.

“Our project is sparking the interest of the government, in fact, I have a meeting with Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs on September 22nd to introduce our project.”

Undergoing the creation of a branch in Hong Kong

Michel Madi launches Frenchy Travel, a platform for French DMCs
To conquer these markets, Frenchy Travel will participate in various conferences abroad, including French Affairs in Las Vegas, or ITB Asia in Singapor.

The company does not want to only be limited to a one-time presence during these international events.

Already a branch is being created in Hong Kong, with an office opening soon.

“We are not alone on this project, explains Michel Madi. “Amgad Hassoun, president of Flash Tour, one of Egypt’s largest DMCs is a shareholder.

He has a TO in Poland, Italy, offices in Zanzibar, or even Dubai. He already work with Russian, Chinese travel agencies… so we’ll need to set up synergies.”

Simultaneously, the two partners have created a sales network in Hambourg, called Net Unity, in charge of marketing group offers.

Frenchy Travel is supported by 9 private partners, some of them tourism professionals such Raphaël Auvray (ex NG Travel), Jean-Marc Le Guernic (Ex Servair), Séverine Deschamps (ex CrystalTO).

Stated goal: reach of turnover between 20 to 30 million euros in 3 to 5 years.

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