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WTTC Statement following the terrorist attack in Tunis, 18 March 2015

International Edition (World)

In response to the attack on the Bardo Museum, Tunis, on 18 March 2015, David Scowsill, President & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council, said:"Our hearts go out to families of the victims of this terrible massacre and to the authorities who are seeking the perpetrators. Targeting tourists in this deliberate way is a heinous act calculated to cause maximum impact.

Rédigé par le Vendredi 20 Mars 2015

It will take time for the scars to heal and for the relatives of those killed to grieve properly.

It will take time for the image of Tunis as a safe, attractive destination for tourists to recover. Travel & Tourism contributes over 15% of the GDP of Tunisia and almost 14% of all jobs; so it is a vitally important part of the economy of the country.

Tunisia needs the sector to recover quickly, as usually happens after events of this type.

Our memories should never fade of those killed in events such as those in Tunis. But the greatest tribute we can give is for our sector to prove its resilience once again and for the tourists to return.”

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